Monday, September 05, 2011

oh how He loves us

653. this weather! cool, crisp, bright! o Lord thank You!
654. bumper boats
655. a smile across the face of a still grieving friend
656. ideas in the middle of the night that still seem good in the morning
657. portabello mushrooms grilled to perfection
658. Sunday morning in church with my brother-in-law
659. a sneak-away date with hubby to watch college football
660. my family of four snuggled up in one bed
661. my children's relationship with Grandma
662. 52 days til Relevant!
663. thoughtful emails from a friend, just checking in
664. books that are too good not to share, and knowing the perfect person to share them with
665. the anticipation of this new season we're stepping into
666. my son's preschool teacher: a loving, Christian, patient, experienced boy mom
667. gathering on the backporch, hubby on the grill, laughter again
668. a toy Pterodactyl, "created on the 5th day"
669. a break from the noise of Facebook
670. coming home to our home

"...we are His portion and He is our prize, drawn to redemption by the grace in His eyes..." (David Crowder Band) 

counting gifts and singing praises...
