the other day, a very minor annoyance caught my attention to a greater degree than it should have. it was Very Minor. so minor, in fact that i don't even remember what it was. i do remember being annoyed by it more than i should have. i remember thinking, "that must be one of my pet peeves," and giving myself that excuse to be so annoyed by something so minor.
it didn't take long for the Lord to start working on me for that one.
what is a pet peeve? and more importantly, why do i allow myself to have them? the thought of it seems so contradictory to everything i believe in: hope, peace, love, faith.
a pet peeve is a "pet hate" - and you all know i don't use that h-word for anything. yet i allow myself to have these little excuses for being disturbed. for me, it can be something so small as a toy on my kitchen counter or a crooked area rug. it's so not worth getting grouchy, but because i label it as "My Pet Peeve," i allow myself some grouchiness for it.
i own my annoyances and my stinky attitude that comes with them. (isn't that awful? selfish? pessimistic? ...narcissistic? ick! ick! ick!)
these thoughts raced through my mind and ached my heart after my run-in with My Pet Peeve. suddenly i was overcome with guilt, considering all the years i'd proudly owned My Pet Peeves. i firmly told myself to "get over it" and i prayed God would help me have self-control, patience, and a better attitude.
He spoke to me very clearly: how would i explain My Pet Peeve to my children? how would i feel if Big Girl had a Pet Peeve?
yes, pet peeves are minor, but they are amplified when i let them affect my attitude. that is not okay. if Big Girl had a Pet Peeve i would probably encourage her to "get over it."
time for me to do the same.
a few days later i had the opportunity to put it into practice. there it was, one of my old pet peeves staring me in the face: a scrunched up throw pillow. where normally i would roll my eyes, grit my teeth, fix it, fluff it, and have stinky thoughts about how many times do i have to do this, i kind of smiled at it. and i thanked God for the blessings surrounding it... "thank You Lord for a soft place to land at the end of the day. thank You Lord for couch time with my husband. thank You Lord that i can stay home and make this place comfortable..." and i wasn't annoyed at all.
"Be agreeable, be sympathetic, be loving,
be compassionate, be humble.
be compassionate, be humble.
That goes for all of you, no exceptions. No retaliation.
No sharp-tongued sarcasm.
Instead, bless—that's your job, to bless. You'll be a blessing
and also get a blessing.
Whoever wants to embrace life
and see the day fill up with good,
Here's what you do:
Say nothing evil or hurtful;
Snub evil and cultivate good;
run after peace for all you're worth."
1 Peter 3:8-10 MSG
"...I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.
Be completely humble and gentle; be patient,
bearing with one another in love.
bearing with one another in love.
Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.
There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to
one hope when you were called;
one hope when you were called;
one Lord, one faith, one baptism;
one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all."
Ephesians 4:1-6 NIV