things that make me wonder if these kids are really mine:
1. one of BigGirl's favorite foods is catfish. i don't like seafood. ick.
2. Bubba is allergic to HappyBaby snacks. i work for HappyBaby.
3. BigGirl wakes up at the crack of dawn and doesn't need more than 6 hours of sleep. i need and really like 10-12.
4. Bubba doesn't like ice cream. what is wrong with him!?
5. BigGirl doesn't like cake. isn't that a major food group?!
and then there are these things that confirm these kids are definitely, absolutely, without a doubt mine:
6. BigGirl could color, draw, read and write all day long. me too.
7. Bubba likes to sleep, and likes to wake up slow and easy. me too.
8. BigGirl is particular, organized, and tidy. me too.
9. Bubba and BigGirl thrive on words of affirmation and compliments. me too.
10. Bubba and BigGirl both have a great sense of humor and the best belly laugh! so they'll get a kick out of this post when they read it years from now :)
do your kids have any traits or habits that make you wonder "whose kids are these!?" i think it's funny and adorable. they are each one of a kind designs, hand-made by God... and wonderfully.