God brings me to Isaac on a Sunday morning when i'm incredibly weak. disgruntled, and hard as i fight it, it's getting darker. and i cry while i sing,
"we have overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony, everyone overcome!"i cry because i want to believe it.
Isaac was so diligent and obedient. there was a famine in the land where he was, and he was ready to get out of there. but the Lord told Isaac to stay put. stay in the land that is dry and stale "and I will be with you and will bless you." (Gen 26:3 NIV)
so Isaac stayed. he trusted. he waited. and then he did something kinda crazy. he planted crops. in a famine. because he trusted the Lord, and was obedient and patient. that same year, Isaac reaped a hundredfold, and the Lord continued to bless him. (Gen 26:12-13 NIV)
is this what it means to "dare to live fully right where you are"?
i don't know. but i like the story of Isaac. he overcame. his obedience definitely paid off. i will stay. i will trust. i will wait. i will bless others. i will sow seed in this dry land. i'll live fully in the land He has given me.
558. indoor pools, relief from the blazing sun
559. glitter nail polish
560. pallet-friendly master bedroom
561. my decision-making man
562. basketsfull of laundry to be folded
563. VBS songs in my head
564. celebrating little friends
565. florescent green cupcake frosting
566. both kids at an independent dependent stage
567. our seats at church, fourth row center
568. opportunities to volunteer, a call from God
569. freedom to cry during worship
570. my children happily skipping into Sunday school class, and coming out all smiles and glee
571. workboxes and curriculum lists
572. an hour alone at Target
573. a calendar filled with fun
574. untamed imaginations
575. our home ours for a little bit longer