The Creation Story For Children by Helen and David Haidle, from Master Books Publishing, is one of our new favorite books for reading, homeschooling, and learning the beginning of God's Word. Watch our video to see what's inside the book and why we love it so much. (use this link to open the video in a new tab
The beautifully illustrated pages, combined with scripture and prompts for conversations with children about creation, will guarantee this book a long life on our bookshelves. My little science-minded girl enjoys the middle section of the book, which illustrate details and interesting factoids about animals. Bubba likes to count all the different kinds of fish, noticing their colors and unique features. In the back of the book is my favorite part- sweet and gentle creation-focused Psalms and promises to encourage my children.

You can win a copy of this book! The Moms of Master Books are featuring this beautiful creation resource for teaching the truth at home at our next Twitter party! Save the date:
Tuesday, July 19 at 8 pm Central
Join us! Use the official Roll Call hashtag #tttrollcall
and during the party, use #teachthetruth
Follow @masterbooks4u and the
Moms of Masterbooks Reviewers – @mamahall, @apichea, @momkaboodle, @getalonghome, @devotionmama, @momsmustardseeds @thejohnsfamily, @faithfamilyfibr
See you there!