Thursday, June 30, 2011

i'm holding this forever

these two make my world go 'round. 

this life as their Mama is far better than any other life i could have ever dreamed. so i'm holding on. tight. i'm saving drawings. i'm snapping photos. i'm tickling toes and bellybuttons. i'm saying yes to ice cream. i'm kissing foreheads. i'm speaking life into them, speaking God's word over them. i'm taking every chance to hug. i'm keeping them home and keeping them close. i'm thanking Jesus.

i'm tracing their busy little hands. i'm writing them love songs. i'm holding this -- i'm holding them -- forever.

these simple keepsakes were made using 5x5 ceramic tiles, my kids' handprints traced on cardstock and cut out, a black paint marker to write the lyrics, and Mod Podge to seal it. i wrote their names, the date, and their age on the back.

i hold on to the now. i make mementos. i cherish the moments.
