a few of my good friends and i would like to invite you to learn more about the Marvels of Creation, a series of nature books that honor God's marvelous creatures...
Moms of Master Books Twitter Party
please save the date & make plans to be there:
Thursday, May 19
8:00pm CST
hosted by Master Books (@MasterBooks4U)
follow and use the hashtag #
join in the conversation with the Moms of Master Books:
Rebecca at Mom's Mustard Seeds (@momsmustardseed)
Cindy at Get Along Home (@getalonghome)
Stef at MomKaboodle (@momkaboodle)
Ashley at Teaching Jenny (@apichea)
each of us had the privilege of reviewing the Marvels of Creation series and we would love to share with you how these books can be used to teach God's wonderful creation to your children at home.
Twitter Party participants will have the chance to win each book and a complete set of all 3:
-Marvels of Creation: Breathtaking Birds
-Marvels of Creation: Sensational Sea Creatures
-Marvels of Creation: Magnificent Mammals
Master Books helps families build their Biblical World view with evolution-free children’s books, homeschool resources, Christian apologetics, Creation Science and more resources. i am excited to be part of the "Moms of Master Books" team!
join us on 5/19 for some fun!