skipping the empty halls on her last day at school! |
In my life this week I'm incredibly proud of my daughter. She has completed a full grade level ahead of her age group, and with flying colors. She earned "Outstanding Student Award" in First Grade Phonics category, and "Self Control Award" in the First Grade Character Traits category. What an honor! She continues to blow me and my husband away.
In our homeschool this week we Big Girl finished First Grade! We celebrated with a Yearbook Signing Party, an End of School Ice Cream Social, Field Day, and tonight is the graduation ceremony. It was a busy week culminating a wonderful year.
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing: we had a lot of fun going to the Planetarium at the University where Daddy takes classes. We saw "Tangled" in the Planetarium for only $2 a seat! Also- way cool- we have a hawk living in the trees in our backyard! He is so fun to watch. His wingspan is incredible.
My favorite thing this week was a lunch playdate after BSF with a kind friend. We're new friends, but instant friends. She homeschools her daughter, who is about the same age as and is friends with BigGirl. It was refreshing and encouraging to spend time with someone who has a mature relationship with the Lord and *true faith* in Him and His Word. {Yeah, we had THAT kind of conversation at McDonald's!}
What’s working for us: Passport to the World by Craig Froman. We got this book in February and we are still loving exploring the world using this book. We will be using this book throughout the summer, studying one country a week or so. The passport stickers are such a great bonus - the kids love to add their country stamps after we've completed the lessons. If you haven't seen it yet here is our vlog review and here is the author's inspiration behind Passport to the World.
Homeschool questions/thoughts I have: I'd love to know what you think about the workbox system...
A photo to share… BigGirl's school friends signing her class portrait:
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