In my life this week I was very productive. I cleaned off our homeschool bookshelves, made a plan to incorporate modified Workboxes, and have bought almost all of our curriculum for next school year. I also got the kids signed up for summer camp and VBS, picked up a pretty shag area rug for Gorbella's, finally got Bubba's birth certificate, joined Pinterest, cleaned my windows, stayed on top of the 31 Days to Clean challenge, and got a zillion other things crossed off of my to-do list. Now...where did I leave my SuperMom cape?! {wink, ha}

In our homeschool this week BigGirl has started working on her 2nd Grade Math Drills workbook, and she started reading Little Women. For her science next year, we decided to go with The Earth, Energy, Forces and Motion, and Matter, a series by Tom Derosa and Carolyn Reeves. For Bubba, we are going with Before Five in a Row, and A is for Adam by Ken and Mally Ham.
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing: Granny is here! That is the secret to my productivity this week. We went out for sushi and the waitress insisted we celebrate Bubba's birthday (a month+ early) with singing and drum beating and ice cream and candles, which was way fun. We went to the county courthouse and saw 4! police cars, and the office of the constable. We went to the park and saw 3! school buses, and tons of big kids playing on the playground. We went to Gorbella's and played fun musical instruments and sang silly songs with our friends. What a fun week!
My favorite thing this week was by far the Master Books #teachthetruth Twitter Party on Thursday night. The Moms for Master Books did a fantastic job reviewing and sharing the Marvels of Creation series, a powerful resource for teaching about God's creation to children at home. Were you there? Did you win? What do you think about the Marvels of Creation series?
On my refrigerator:
31 Days to Clean calendar from Joyful Mothering
and 10+ Real Helps for Really Busy Moms from Ann Voskamp
I hope your week was just as productive and fun-filled!