i saw this on Pinterest this week. can you imagine? how thankful am i that showing God my utmost gratitude has become like breathing to me? my eyes see things and places and moments and people, but my heart sees love-gifts from God in it all. "thank you, Lord," lives on the tip of my tongue and is the whisper in my mind all day, every day, in all things. gratitude is my lifestyle. everything is from the Maker! i wake up in the morning and i fall asleep each night recounting gifts and giving thanks to God.
421. pajama playdates, sleeping bags, and loveys
422. quality time with quality friends
423. Bubba using the big boy potty
424. close parking spaces
425. grace when i'm grouchy
426. Half-Price Books
427. sun tea
428. my husband on the grill
429. dinner outdoors
430. neighbors that are like family
431. my husband doing yardwork and home improvements
432. my kids having wild fun in the water
433. the fun summer allows
434. Nutella recipes coming out of the woodworks
435. BigGirl devouring books
436. the peace we've created in a stable, secure home life
437. my MOPS sisters, cherished memories
438. our realtor, determined and hard working
439. Target checkers that go the extra mile
440. naptime
441. compliments from strangers
442. my healthy and strong children
443. picking plump, fresh produce, supporting local farmers
444. God's provision in God's economy
445. holding hands, singing worship songs with BigGirl
446. developing and teaching a praising, thankful spirit
In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
I Thessalonians 5:18 NIV
I Thessalonians 5:18 NIV