In my life this week I can feel the seasons changing. Literally, we've had so much rain and when it isn't raining, the days are getting warmer. Figuratively, we are shifting life-seasons. BigGirl is graduating first grade, and Bubba will start Preschool this Fall. We're moving. Our circle of friends is tightening up. I can feel the changes all around us. It is good.
In our homeschool this week we talked a lot about how airplanes and kites fly: thrust, gravity and drag. In math, BigGirl is mastering greater than and less than. I made some fun learning games for Bubba using leftover plastic Easter eggs, inspiration from Impress Your Kids. Two more UMS school days left!
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing: Bubba and I spent a few hours at Half Price Books yesterday, browsing and reading all the books we could find. I even picked up some Abeka readers and a Singapore Math book for BigGirl's 2nd grade year! Score!
My favorite thing this week was BSF. We hadn't been in two weeks. It was great to be back in a room filled with women worshiping Jesus mid-week. And the chapters we read from Isaiah were exactly what I needed. We talked about waiting for God, with God, because His timing is more perfect than our own. And when BigGirl came out of her Bible class, her teacher told me that when the class was talking about waiting for God to answer prayers, BigGirl asked her class to pray for the sale of our house, "because it's taking too long." What a sweet child.
What’s working for us: I've been getting to know fellow homeschoolers in the Creation Conversations Homeschoolers forum. It seems like a great place to share ideas and resources and techniques. That's where I learned about the live Bald Eagle cam! *sigh* {I love homeschooling}
Homeschool questions/thoughts I have: I'll be attending my first homeschool curriculum fair and conference next week! I'm really excited and kind of overwhelmed at the same time. What advice do you have for this newbie?
A photo, video, link, or quote to share… this is Bubba, recorded this week, age 2 and a half:
if you can not play the video above, click here to view the video:
this post is linked with love at's The Homeschool Mother's Journal and the Weekly Wrap-Up hosted