In my life this week I'm contemplating Easter. Since BigGirl was a baby we've celebrated the holiday with colorful eggs, baskets, plastic grass, and bunnies. It's pastel and cute and fun, but I've always known the true reason for Easter: we're not celebrating eggs or rabbits at all. And as my children get older, especially BigGirl, I'm wanting to phase out the eggs and rabbits all together. Easter egg hunts are fun, sure, but I don't really see the point of it. Honestly, all I want to do on Easter is celebrate Jesus' resurrection with my family. My goal, my responsibility, is to keep Christ in Easter.
In our homeschool this week BigGirl was taking the SATs at her UMS, so we had a very light week. We had fun learning some new ASL signs at a Gorbella's playdate, Bubba played a new number matching game, and we had some great discussions about honesty and self-discipline.
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing: we didn't get out much this week. Between the weather (rain), BigGirl taking the SATs, and recovering from being gone for 7 days, we needed a low-key week!
My favorite thing this week was Wednesday. BigGirl planned a special "Family Night" for us, complete with her favorite dinner and dessert menu, a movie, and a huge blanket-and-pillow fort. Quality time is her love language, and it fills me with joy to see her love tank overflowing! It was so sweet.
What’s working for us: Fruit of the Spirit. The kids and I are drinking 1 ounce {of this delicious "juice"} every morning. It makes me feel really good knowing we're all starting our day being good to our bodies.
Homeschool questions/thoughts I have: After watching the trailer and reading reviews, I am really wanting to get my hands on The Case of the Missing Mountain by Kim G. Jones. BigGirl loves mysteries and puzzles, and this book looks like another great one for our science/creation studies. It's on my list of Curriculum to Buy!
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our Easter surprise, two years ago:
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