it's nice to be rewarded. and even if i'm not exactly sure what this award is for, i'll take it. and run with it.
Michelle at ThatMommyBlog presented me with the Stylish Blogger Award last month and it's taken me this long to figure out what to do with it {smile}.
this award comes with rules. 1-share seven random facts about myself and 2-pass the award on to seven fabulous deserving bloggers. so here we go...
seven random facts about me
1. i love novelty socks.
2. the home that i grew up in had a door bell that played the Lone Ranger theme song.
3. my hands-down favorite form of exercise is dance. and i ain't too shabby even if i do say so myself...you be the judge. yup, that's really me in the navy top & black pants.
4. i can't believe i'm sharing that video here.
5. contrary to popular belief, i am not very organized. tidy, yes. organized, no.
6. if it's my turn to pick where we go out to eat, i'm most likely going to pick a Mexican food chain. there's a really good chance i'll want On The Border.
7. i keep paper lists and paper calendars. call me old fashioned, but i like paper. notes. pens. paper with boxes and lines to write in.
seven bloggers who are getting the Stylish Blogger Award:
