this is my cord mess.
cords irk me. like fingernails on a chalkboard, the sight of plugs and cords drives me batty. just looking at that picture - of my very own cord mess - makes me scrunch up my nose like i just smelled something gross.
my computer lives on a corner on the kitchen countertop. it has to be plugged in. and the cord is a mile long with a box heavy box attached. the other cable you see there connects speakers to my computer. so i am left with this mess of black and white cords, twisting and tangling on my kitchen counter. it was embarrassing. i needed help.
as any normal person would do, i sent out a desperate plea on Twitter. i begged for a solution to the cord chaos. surely someone somewhere has a handle on what to do with these unsightly wires!
soon, i heard from FranklinCovey Products. of course they had a solution! {hit hand to forehead} FranklinCovey Products is THE source for all organization solutions. sure it all started with the leatherbound day planner, but you should see all the organization products they have now. in addition to their own high-quality reliable brand, FranklinCovey Products has partnered with 50 other brands to offer an even wider variety of organizational products. some of my favorites:

the instructions on the box. no further explanation needed.
you saw my before picture {blech}
and here is my after...
hallelujah! woo-HOO!
crisp clean box. hiding all the unsightly, unruly tangles.
i love it.
now i've had it a week and have started using the top of the box as a little shelf for my Bible and notebooks, which, when stacked, hide the outlet completely, making the whole scene just perfect. clean and tidy and organized. i'm thinking we need a Cablebox for the DVD and TV cords, and for hubby's computers cords, too.
FranklinCovey Products, especially the Cablebox, work for me!