"I give my heart to Jesus.
It's kind of small, like me.
But every time I feel it beat,
I know he's loving me."
-My Valentine for Jesus, by Laurie Lazzaro Knowlton
I know he's loving me."
-My Valentine for Jesus, by Laurie Lazzaro Knowlton
Valentine's Day, February 14, is a day dedicated to the exchange of tokens of affection. every year we celebrate with such tokens...chocolate, flowers, jewelry, or dinner by candlelight. we exchange cards asking friends and loved ones to "BE MINE" and to let them know "I HEART YOU."
i was thinking about this holiday of expressing and celebrating love and devotion. i was thinking about how much love is poured in and out of this "holiday." hearts all aflutter and passion renewed...
and i decided... i want a special Valentine this year.
i want Jesus to be my Valentine.
Jesus Valentines
click here to download and print free printable Valentine's for Jesus
"Love God, your God, with your whole heart:
love him with all that's in you,
love him with all you've got!"
- Deuteronomy 6:5 The Message
and for extra fun, here are some books for children that show Valentine's Day is much more than paper hearts and candy kisses...
linked with love at
