i am on twitter. in case you didn't know. and i love it.
i can't explain what twitter is, except to say maybe it's like texting or IM'ing, constant little random messages that are mostly to no one in particular...? quick thoughts that pop into your head that someone else might find interesting...? a tiny portal for casually eavesdropping on your friends online conversations...? i don't know.
call it what you want. i call it fun. and useful! and, just like in the blogosphere, true friendships can really form. and there are some really fun parties happening on twitter. usually after i'm in already asleep, unfortunately.
remember, twitter is how MasterBooks found me and sent me to The Relevant Conference! how could i not love twitter?
just this week already on twitter i won a Mercy necklace at the DaySpring (in)courage twitter party, helped a friend designing a logo for a charity function, and found out about a new blogging event hosted by another friend.
on Tuesday, when i sent a tweet expressing GREAT excitement that Bubba went tee-tee on the potty, my Pastor replied via twitter!
that is awesome.
let me introduce you to some of my "Tweeples," my twitter friends...
@mommyonfire - love her sense of humor and passion for God!
@somewhatcrunchy - like me, Cheryl isn't ashamed to be a little crunchy sometimes!
@mysoulreflects - a MODSquad Mama who writes (& tweets) from her heart.
@overcomingbusy - sweet friend, Jesus lover, and always sharing an encouraging word on twitter, her blog, and GatherInspirit.
@laytonjoyblog - Stef is the supersmart homeschooling mama behind The Homeschooling Village!
@dazeofadventure - has a beautiful contagious smile, and a big heart for her family.
@a_steady_rain - Rachel is one of the sweetest people i've ever met, and she's quite the crafter too!
are you on twitter? {let's follow eachother!}