i have a protective nature over Christmas. i'm kinda defensive when it comes to Jesus' birthday.
i love Christmas. i love Jesus. i love Birthdays. and Christmas is one big birthday party for Jesus. an occasion not to be confused with anything else, buried under any other traditions, or put aside for the sake of other customs.
we told BigGirl the truth about Santa this year. if you're wondering why.... i dare ask you, why not? the truth is this: there's no such thing as Santa. the truth is this: there's no point in pretending he's real. the truth is this: she deserves the truth. the truth is this: Christmas is about Jesus. the truth is this: the presents come from Mom and Dad. the truth is this: it isn't about presents anyway. there are so many truths about CHRISTmas that get buried in Santa's big red bag. the truth is this: we're taking back Christmas.
who are we to make Christmas all about us? we know in our hearts the real reason for the season, that Jesus is the real gift! there's no tradition too strong, no worldly custom too widespread, for us to hold on to anything other than the truth of the season. i can't find any scripture about Santa in the Bible.
it delights me, just a girl who longs to please God, to find more and more families are also taking back Christmas. i'm not the only one telling the truth this Christmas. more people are doing things different, being radical, and highlighting CHRIST in Christmas.
more and more...
- a holy experience
- Internet Cafe Devotions
- another from Internet Cafe Devotions
- Radical Giving
- Kitchen Stewardship
- Totally Tots
- AP Freewriting 101
- Impress Your Kids
- Life As Mom
- A Heart for Home
i know there are more of you celebrating Jesus' birthday...please share your comments and links here...

{this post is linked up to the lovely OhAmanda's Top Ten Tuesday.}
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