on January 17, 2011, We Are THAT Family is hosting an online Silent Auction to benefit Mercy House.
this is an easy way for you to help a worthy cause. have you heard of The Mercy House? The Mercy House is being built in Kenya, Africa to provide alternative options for homeless pregnant girls. The Mercy House will aid them in nutrition, housing, prenatal care, counseling, Biblical teaching and job skills for sustainable living. young girls, pregnant not by their choice, helpless and hopeless, with no where to go, living here:

the solution, The Mercy House, has made an imprint on my heart. i think about the girls often. i think about Maureen. i pray God's mercy over them, especially on the 3rd of every month. i have come to love mercy, and God's promise of it. i have been moved to act justly, love mercy, walk humbly.
save the date for the online Silent Auction at WeAreTHATFamily.com: January 17.
i have insider connections and i know some wonderfully generous people have donated really nice gifts and services to be auctioned. it's going to be awesome. we are going to make a difference. you are going to love mercy.