Congratulations CindyLu!
lucky comment #13 was selected via Random.org:
CindyLu said...
I think Cooper would love this!
thank you to everyone who entered. as a {truly heart-felt} side note, every time i get an email alert when you enter my giveaways, i think about how wonderful it would be if you won. i'm really rooting for you because i know how much you'd like to win. i'm genuinely happy for you when you do win, and when you don't, i want to give you a consolation prize! a virtual hug or high-five will have to do ;) i think this is a *perk* to having a "smaller" blog...i know my readers and i consider you all friends! so...thank you for taking the time to enter my giveaways and for being my friend. you're ALL winners in my book!