Monday, November 01, 2010

made for praise: multitude monday

holy experience

do you know Ann Voskamp? i feel like i do. so beautiful an artist with words, she has always been one of my absolute favorites. her blog is bookmarked, though i only visit in my quiet and still moments. her rawness is soothing, sometimes painful, but also healing. her voice, even more so. she inspires me to be thankful for the obvious things in my life, the God things in my life, and even the messiest things in my life. there is an entire community of bloggers who have caught this attitude of gratitude and join Ann once a week for Multitude Monday. an ongoing list of one thousand gifts. not gifts that i want. gifts that i already have. gifts that God has placed before me, reminding me daily of His unconditional love.

i'm all in. 

on Mondays, i take notice and give thanks "for the daily washing in His fountain of Gifts," and as a result, i will "feel more joy, less stress, better health, more connected in your relationships, and more delight in everyday life." 

praise is what i am made for!

let the gratitude begin...

1. my quiet time each morning
2. hot coffee
3. soft purple paisley-print pajamas
4. His presence when i least expect it
5. hearing Bubba breathing, deep in sleep, on the monitor 
6. His hand of protection over us wherever we go
7. the decision to teach my children at home
8. the opportunity to go to The Relevant Conference
9. a holy experience, and my testimony
10. friends i can count on

it is the season of lists. care to begin a list of a Thousand Gifts? you’ll find Him in all things—the very best gift of all.
Father God, You are the Giver of all Good Gifts. they are everywhere. i can hardly jot them down fast enough. how great is Your love.