i love this time of year. i always have loved this time of year. the dramatic season change, the colorful trees, the cooler temps, the cable-knit, the early morning frost, the pumpkin spice everything, pumpkin patches and hay rides on every corner. those are the things i'm holding on to. i'm letting go of Halloween.
we have always celebrated Halloween. and by celebrated i mean just this: we carved a jack-o-lantern, dressed up in silly costumes, and went door to door collecting candy. we didn't take part in witchcraft or worship demons or denounce our God.
this year, it struck me: by celebrating a holiday deeply rooted in stuff we don't believe in, we're negating everything we do believe in. it's a holiday designed to be dark and spooky. it's a night of seemingly harmless fun, but where is God?
i found myself struggling with this: how can i teach my children to not be of the world and to obey God's word, but then celebrate a world-ish holiday that doesn't in any way glorify Christ?
how is it okay that i let my children dress up and frolic in the neighborhood with witches and devils, but at home i teach them Deuteronomy 18? at home we pray against all things evil, we don't allow evil "spirits" into or near our home...then how can i answer my door and give treats to little children pretending to be monsters, zombies, or the grim reaper?
i can't. i couldn't. the argument "well, it's something we've always done" isn't good enough for me any more. i want to do what's right, not what's always been done. i want to obey God...."You used to be like people living in the dark, but now you are people of the light because you belong to the Lord. So act like people of the light and make your light shine. Be good and honest and truthful, as you try to please the Lord. Don't take part in doing those worthless things that are done in the dark." Eph 5:7.
we will still dress up in costumes- as superheros and historic figures and real-life life-saving heroes. we will still go to the pumpkin patch and drink apple cider and go on hay rides. we might even eat a little bit more candy this month. we're celebrating the season of Fall and the blessings abound. the only ghost i want coming near our home is the Holy Ghost. what are we doing differently this year? we're not participating in the trick-or-treating. we're not decorating with jack-o-lanterns. we're not associating with "Halloween"- no Halloween crafts or parties. no Happy Halloween anything.
October 31 will come and go. the world will be out doing it's worldly thing.
we're letting go of Halloween, and holding on tightly to God.