Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Ten on Tuesday: Summer 2010

Can you believe it's May already? Cah-Ray-Zee.

May is like the teaser month between Spring and Summer. I already have summer fever. Or maybe it's the 80+ degrees we've had this week. I'm extra excited for this summer because DaddyHall is taking the semester off from school. YAY! So I've started looking ahead and making plans.

Here's my Top Ten List of things we're doing this summer:

1. P90X - yes, that's right. get fit in 90 days.
2. Reading. Both kids will participate in the library's summer reading program and Mama is going to catch up on the stack of books on my bedside table.
3. Vacation Bible School for BigGirl.
4. Mama-taught Swim Lessons for Bubba.
5. Bubba's 2nd birthday- a sports theme party for my little All Star!
6. Gardening - this is our 2nd year. More herbs, less okra this time!
7. Great Wolf Lodge. Because it's fun.
8. Relaxing.
9. Pouting and sulking over not going to BlogHer'10.
10. School. HCPA doesn't break in the summer!  

Sounds fun right? Summer? Bring it!

Top Ten Tuesday is brought to you by OhAmanda, but is hosted this week by Mandi at ItsCome2This because Amanda is in the Dominican Republic with World Vision! You can follow Amanda's amazing story here. Have a great day!

photo by dreamijo