yesterday when Big Girl asked if we could go outside to play with her friends, i had to break the news to her that no one was home. i knew this was the conversation many homeschooling parents dread. but i also knew that she wouldn't be sad or feel left out. i just had to pick my words carefully to ensure this. everyone else is at school. but why not us?
this is how the conversation went:
Big Girl: can i check to see if any of my friends are out playing?
Mama: they're not, honey. they all started school this week.
Big Girl: even Kate?
Mama: even Kate.
Big Girl: even Kaitlyn?
Mama: even Kaitlyn.
Big Girl: and Clayton too?
Mama: yes. all of them.
Big Girl (exaggerating): everyone in the whole wide world started school?
Mama (obliging): yes. everyone in the whole wide world.
Big Girl: but why not us?
Mama: because we're different. we're better than the world.
Big Girl (big smile): oh yeah.
i think it went well.
she completely understood what i meant. not that we're better than our friends who are in school, but that we're different than the whole wide world and it's a good thing. it's a God thing.