in my favorite Top Ten on Tuesday fashion, because it's early and i don't feel like forming paragraphs, here are the Top 10 Reasons I Love the Blogosphere. [my husband loves that word by the way. he's a word nerd like me.]
1. the blog world is made up of really good writers who don't know that they're good writers (and would never admit to being "a writer") but they really are and good at it. i love this because i think this is where i fit in, as a writer. there are too many to list, but for sure i think these two are fab writers: Missy at It's Almost Naptime and Shannon at Rocks in My Dryer.
2. i have always loved reading true stories and other people's diaries. some of my all time favorite books are memoirs, such as Stick Figure, The Hottest State, and Eat, Pray, Love. so you can imagine how much i love that the blogosphere is practically made up entirely of true stories and other people's diaries. this is the real deal, every day nitty gritty of life that i can relate to, like well baby visits, family vacations, holidays, and first days of preschool. and even though i know, see and talk to these people in real life, i like to read true stories at The Meadors Family, Blessed Mama, The Bowman Family, and the Grayson Family.
3. i'm kindof crafty. i was a scrapper in my former life (prebabies). i crave cards and 12x12 sheets of paper, tags, ribbon, brads...my mouth is watering. a small part of me died when Recollections closed. until i have the time and space to revisit my punches and diecuts, i live vicariously thru blogs like The Flohr's are Bloggin', One Crafty Mumma, and Life as Lou.
4. the crafty gene is strong. my BigGirl is crafty, too! and i thank God for crafty inspiration in the blogosphere so i don't always have to be the one coming up with craft projects. my absolute fave is No Time for Flashcards, and i also love Make and Takes and The Crafty Crow.
5. pssst...did you know there are so many ways to win stuff on blogs!? and product reviews!? i can't even keep up with it all. but i try. Catching Casey posts reviews and giveaways on her blog. and there are some fun contests on Yes, They Are All Mine.
6. i'm frugal but not nearly as frugal as Ellen (aka Thrifty & Chic Mom), Lori (aka the Bargain Shopper Lady), Niki (aka Free 2 Be Frugal), and i love the freebies at Mommy Matters.
7. as much as i love daily devotional books and e-mails, i love homemade devotionals even more. these blogs are accidental devotionals, finding God in every day stuff, which is why i love them so: The Diaper Diaries, Oh Amanda, and The Happy Housewife.
8. in the blogosphere i've "met" mamas who i could be (want to be) friends with in real life. i actually want to be friends in real life with everyone, but that's a personality thing...i'm a people pleaser...we don't need to get into that. my dream blog friends are Heather at Not a DIY Life, Kristen at We are THAT Family, Tiffany at Lattes and Life.
9. i like to consider myself pretty organized. but like everything in life, there's always room for improvement. for home, life, and family organization inspiration i love Simple Mom. when i grow up, i want to be a Simple Mom.
10. last but certainly not least, i love the blogosphere because it's a massive source of homeschool encouragement. you should see my "Homeschool" Favorites folder, yall. it takes up the entire computer monitor. i most def can not list all of you amazing, awesome, inspiring, encouraging, wonderful, resourceful homeschooling mamas, you know if i could i would. consider this a shout out to all of you, and feel free to leave your link in a comment. but i can't mention "homeschool encouragment blog" without mentioning Joy at Five J's and Kris at Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers. i also like My Life and Homeschooling and Carolyn at Guilt-Free Homeschooling.
1. the blog world is made up of really good writers who don't know that they're good writers (and would never admit to being "a writer") but they really are and good at it. i love this because i think this is where i fit in, as a writer. there are too many to list, but for sure i think these two are fab writers: Missy at It's Almost Naptime and Shannon at Rocks in My Dryer.
2. i have always loved reading true stories and other people's diaries. some of my all time favorite books are memoirs, such as Stick Figure, The Hottest State, and Eat, Pray, Love. so you can imagine how much i love that the blogosphere is practically made up entirely of true stories and other people's diaries. this is the real deal, every day nitty gritty of life that i can relate to, like well baby visits, family vacations, holidays, and first days of preschool. and even though i know, see and talk to these people in real life, i like to read true stories at The Meadors Family, Blessed Mama, The Bowman Family, and the Grayson Family.
3. i'm kindof crafty. i was a scrapper in my former life (prebabies). i crave cards and 12x12 sheets of paper, tags, ribbon, brads...my mouth is watering. a small part of me died when Recollections closed. until i have the time and space to revisit my punches and diecuts, i live vicariously thru blogs like The Flohr's are Bloggin', One Crafty Mumma, and Life as Lou.
4. the crafty gene is strong. my BigGirl is crafty, too! and i thank God for crafty inspiration in the blogosphere so i don't always have to be the one coming up with craft projects. my absolute fave is No Time for Flashcards, and i also love Make and Takes and The Crafty Crow.
5. pssst...did you know there are so many ways to win stuff on blogs!? and product reviews!? i can't even keep up with it all. but i try. Catching Casey posts reviews and giveaways on her blog. and there are some fun contests on Yes, They Are All Mine.
6. i'm frugal but not nearly as frugal as Ellen (aka Thrifty & Chic Mom), Lori (aka the Bargain Shopper Lady), Niki (aka Free 2 Be Frugal), and i love the freebies at Mommy Matters.
7. as much as i love daily devotional books and e-mails, i love homemade devotionals even more. these blogs are accidental devotionals, finding God in every day stuff, which is why i love them so: The Diaper Diaries, Oh Amanda, and The Happy Housewife.
8. in the blogosphere i've "met" mamas who i could be (want to be) friends with in real life. i actually want to be friends in real life with everyone, but that's a personality thing...i'm a people pleaser...we don't need to get into that. my dream blog friends are Heather at Not a DIY Life, Kristen at We are THAT Family, Tiffany at Lattes and Life.
9. i like to consider myself pretty organized. but like everything in life, there's always room for improvement. for home, life, and family organization inspiration i love Simple Mom. when i grow up, i want to be a Simple Mom.
10. last but certainly not least, i love the blogosphere because it's a massive source of homeschool encouragement. you should see my "Homeschool" Favorites folder, yall. it takes up the entire computer monitor. i most def can not list all of you amazing, awesome, inspiring, encouraging, wonderful, resourceful homeschooling mamas, you know if i could i would. consider this a shout out to all of you, and feel free to leave your link in a comment. but i can't mention "homeschool encouragment blog" without mentioning Joy at Five J's and Kris at Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers. i also like My Life and Homeschooling and Carolyn at Guilt-Free Homeschooling.
thanks, Amanda, for hosting Top Ten on Tuesday!
a quick disclaimer, because i don't want to hurt anyone's feelings...i could
sit here and find and list all your amazing blogs all day long. really, i could. but that would be bad parenting. i'm already feeling terrible because i started this post at 6am and it's now 8:24am. so please, if i didn't mention your blog but you know i read it, it's not because i don't love your blog. it's because my kids are getting restless. (that would make a good blog title, btw) someday i will get really organized and compile a categorized blogroll like Allie did, and i won't leave anyone out, and the whole world will be at peace. i didn't even get to list my favorite recipe blogs. (if this were a top 11 list i would have for sure mentioned Laura's Menu Planning Monday at OrgJunkie.com, and another Laura at Real Mom Kitchen) oh- and one more thing to clarify: some of these blogs fit in several categories. i'm not trying to put yall in boxes, just organizing my own thoughts. ((group hug))
a quick disclaimer, because i don't want to hurt anyone's feelings...i could