1. a Bible-teaching, Bible-preaching, Spirit-filled church. "my church" is the best in the world, High Point Church.

3. good music. currently i can't live without KLTY and the Black Eyed Peas. research has shown that music reduces a person's stress. music triggers momentous and happy times in a person's life, taking the mind off of stressful events or situations. all i need is some "Boom Boom Pow" and i'm way less stressed out.
4. my "me" time. i wake up an extra hour early to have time to myself, to do whatever i want to do just for me. the house is quiet. no one needs me (yet). i can think and pray in peace. this time is precious.
7. my backyard. maybe this is tangible, if you want to get technical. but i know for sure that i couldn't live without it. it's big, has plenty of shade, it's private, and it has a playground that (so far) BigGirl hasn't outgrown.
8. health insurance. i thank God every day for DaddyHalls' job and the health insurance that comes with it. there's a wonderful sense of security that comes with knowing i can take my baby to the doctor if i need to. and i couldn't live without that.
9. speaking of security, i could not live without a solid, growing relationship with the Lord. He's my Father, my provider, my strength, my protector, my healer, my comforter, my everything. He's there for me when i need anything. i didn't always know this and i didn't always have a relationship with Him. but now i do and, God, i'm glad.
10. last but not least, i could not live without my memories of lost loved ones. my dad, my Grandpa, my Popop, my Pa, Maggie, and my Father-in-Law, to name a few. i cling to the memories, recalling them quietly throughout the day. i hear their voices, see their faces, and imagine being with them again in Heaven someday. thank God for memories.
what are your top 10 today? for more, more and more top 10s visit the really skinny Oh Amanda!