What makes Disney World "magical" to little girls is that it is a living fairy tale. All the wonderfully beautiful characters in their favorite movies, books, and tv shows are real at Disney World. Without ever being told, Big Girl knows this. Just from seeing Disney commercials recently, Big Girl believes The Princesses live in the big blue castle. Maybe Big Girl thinks Disney World is just an imaginary place...? I don't know what she thinks and it is SO HARD not to talk to her about it! But, my lips are sealed and we are business as usual. [Or so she thinks :) Shhhh!]
She is going to be amazed, and maybe for once in her little life, SPEECHLESS, when she sees that enchanting castle up close and in person. Even more so when she gets to shake hands with Aladdin or the Genie, gets a hug from Snow White, and has breakfast with Cinderella. For all these magical encounters, a girl needs an autograph book don'tchathink?
I bought a chunky notebook from the Dollar Tree, some Disney scrapbooking paper and stickers from Michael's, and used scraps of ribbon and glitter that I had on hand. Stuck it all on the notebook cover, tied the ribbons on the spiral, and here you have it: Big Girl's Official Mommymade Disney World Autograph Book.