to me, and to Gorbella's, it really is the tot that counts. you can always count on Gorbella's to promote anything and anyone that agrees.
here is where i'll post tot-friendly people, places and things for you & your tot.

cupid's heart rice krispie treats
prep: 10 minutes total: approx 1 hr 30 mins
you need:
wax paper covered baking sheet
3 tablespoons margarine
1 10oz bag mini marshmallows
Red food coloring
6 cups Organic Rice Krispies cereal
Heart-shaped cookie cutter
Put margarine & marshmallows in a large bowl and microwave on High for 2 minutes. Stir and microwave for an additional 90 seconds and stir. Stir in drops of red food coloring - as little or as much as you like, but the more you use, the deeper & richer the color will be.
Add the cereal, stirring until it is evenly blended.
Spoon the mixture onto a wax paper -covered baking sheet.
Use the back of the spoon to smooth out the mixture, spreading it to an even thickness.
Refridgerate 30 mins - 1 hr, or overnight.
When solid, use a heart-shaped cookie cutter to cut out hearts.
i had the ingredients pre-measured and ready to go. my 2-year-old helped dump ingredients into the bowl, stir it up, and smooth the mixture with the back of the spoon. when we cut out the hearts, i let my little helper "taste test" the extras. :) have fun!