i originally wrote and published this post December 2006. reposting because it IS one of my favorite books, i've read it and recommended it several times! read it before you see the movie this summer!

i started reading this book before Thanksgiving, and i'm still about 200 pages from finishing it. but i'm in no rush. in fact, i'm reading it slowly on purpose. several times i've stopped mid-sentence and flipped back to re-read a few pages again. once i even re-read an entire chapter - or as author elizabeth gilbert calls them, japa mala beads, or tales - of which there are 109, including gilbert's introduction. she's a brilliant writer, it's an inspiring story, and i never want to return this book to the library.
this book falls into my favorite genre, it's a true story written like a journal, and meets one of my reading criterion, the story takes place in modern time. but i didn't know this upon checking out the book from the library. i didn't read any reviews and i had never heard of the book or author before. i literally grabbed the book off the shelf of new arrivals after taking just one look at it. i judged this book by it's cover. the spiraling noodles, the hibiscus flowers, and the beautiful texture of the japa mala beads...could you blame me?
i couldn't be more pleased with my hasty selection. the wisdom gilbert discovers and reveals in Eat, Pray, Love is compelling. i am not exaggerating -- i have dog-eared a dozen pages and taken notes like a schoolgirl while reading this book. i get lost in it. and suddenly i have the urge to drop everything and spend a year divided evenly in Italy, Indonesia, and India.
i am certain this book will be one of my favorites long after i read it. check it out!

i started reading this book before Thanksgiving, and i'm still about 200 pages from finishing it. but i'm in no rush. in fact, i'm reading it slowly on purpose. several times i've stopped mid-sentence and flipped back to re-read a few pages again. once i even re-read an entire chapter - or as author elizabeth gilbert calls them, japa mala beads, or tales - of which there are 109, including gilbert's introduction. she's a brilliant writer, it's an inspiring story, and i never want to return this book to the library.
this book falls into my favorite genre, it's a true story written like a journal, and meets one of my reading criterion, the story takes place in modern time. but i didn't know this upon checking out the book from the library. i didn't read any reviews and i had never heard of the book or author before. i literally grabbed the book off the shelf of new arrivals after taking just one look at it. i judged this book by it's cover. the spiraling noodles, the hibiscus flowers, and the beautiful texture of the japa mala beads...could you blame me?
i couldn't be more pleased with my hasty selection. the wisdom gilbert discovers and reveals in Eat, Pray, Love is compelling. i am not exaggerating -- i have dog-eared a dozen pages and taken notes like a schoolgirl while reading this book. i get lost in it. and suddenly i have the urge to drop everything and spend a year divided evenly in Italy, Indonesia, and India.
i am certain this book will be one of my favorites long after i read it. check it out!