look what i made for thanksgiving!
it's pieces of felt with glued-on letters that i made using misc. craft supplies.
i plan on folding the top inch of each felt piece over a piece of big thick string and hang it like a streamer in the dining room on thanksgiving day. two streamers, actually. one above the other. one streamer will have "t h a n k s" and the other will have "g i v i n g"
i got the idea from the pottery barn catalog, although it was not for sale, it was a prop in the background of a page advertising other hoilday decor. it caught my eye. it was one of those projects you see and think to yourself, 'hey, i could make that.' but usually you don't end up making it. well this time i did. my colors are more vibrant than the original in the catalog and my letters a bit imperfect. but i did it. see? i told you i was a do-er.
it was fun to make. and surprisingly easy. if you have the right kind of glue.